Category Archives: Social Networks

Graphics related to the social networks.

Stop This Nonsense!

I’m sorry, but refusing to engage in an online game where people challenge you to publicly announce your faith in Jesus is NOT denying the Lord, and to subtly suggest otherwise, as some of these posters do, is very wrong. … Continue reading

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Social Networks: Sock It to ‘Em!

#SocialNetworks #Poetry #Poem So tell me. Are you a bit frustrated by how the social networks seem to discriminate against Christians and Conservatives and treat us unfairly? Well, me too! That’s why over the years I have written dozens of … Continue reading

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Hey Man! Just Let It Go Already!

#DontGetAngry #ScrollBy #LetItGo “. . . let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil . . . Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from … Continue reading

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If You Are Going to Hide ….

It makes a lot of sense, right? Yet how many times do you get a friend request, only to go to that person’s page to find out that their account is locked, or there are no posts on it, or … Continue reading

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Beware of the Smoldering Coals!

“For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.” Acts 20:29, KJV “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, A … Continue reading

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As many of my Christian friends will already know, the Bible informs us that God’s Word is very powerful. It cuts through everything and reveals the thoughts and intents of our hearts, as we read in the following verse: “For … Continue reading

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Locked Profile?

Many of us have encountered it, particularly on Facebook. Someone sends you a friend request, and so you go to their timeline to check them out before you decide to accept their friend request. Well, at least that is what … Continue reading

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Do You Even Realize the Potential?

Following are some links which will hopefully give you the vision for helping to reach the world for Jesus Christ: “Our Great Commission” KJV Bible Verse List: “Jesus’s Global Vision” KJV Bible Verse List: “Boldly Preach the Gospel” … Continue reading

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Social Networks Echo Chambers!

We have all seen it: Reposts, retweets, retruths . . . ad nauseam. It seems that many of the social networks have become nothing more than echo chambers where the same content is posted over and over and over again! … Continue reading

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Here’s the Deal: Share God’s Word!

When I visit your page in order to see if I want to accept your friend request, I am not really interested in all of the ads for your church, or Christian music videos from YouTube, or food recipes, or … Continue reading

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The Bottom Line is THIS!

Folks, for me personally, when it comes to friend requests, the bottom line is this. The more you BOLDLY and CONSISTENTLY share God’s Word on your page, the more inclined I will be to accept your friend request. On the … Continue reading

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Free Speech Does NOT Equate to Equal Reach!

It is time for you to wake up and recognize the fact that all social networks — regardless of whether they are liberal or conservative — play favorites. They are all two-tier systems whereby you are either an elite, or … Continue reading

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Talk More About Jesus and Less About Worldly Nonsense!

My friends, in your online bio some of you say “I really love Jesus” and make similar remarks regarding your dedication to the Lord. Well, I have a question for some of you. If you truly love Jesus, shouldn’t your … Continue reading

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Clean Up Your Page!

CLEAN UP YOUR PAGE! I am truly sorry, but if you happen to send me a friend request, and the first thing I encounter when I visit your timeline or page is a long string of five, ten or fifteen … Continue reading

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Do You Reciprocate?

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Engage With Your Friends to See More Content From Them!

It is a very common problem on the social networks. Your friends will sometimes say to you “I haven’t seen any of your posts in a very long time.” Well, quite often, the solution is simply a matter of more … Continue reading

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Do You Participate

Active, on-going participation is a vital component of any message forum, blog, social network or website. Without such participation, the project will slowly wither, and will eventually die on the vine. The truth is that we cannot be lurkers, and … Continue reading

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Is Your Page Just About YOU?

My friends, it is past time for silly games. It is past time for being sidetracked by things which are not that important in our lives. It is time to look beyond those people who have no interest whatsoever in … Continue reading

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Where Is Your Content? Hey, I think it is really great that you like to frequently change your profile pic and your cover image. It makes your page more interesting. However, if you decide to send me a friend request, well, I need … Continue reading

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