Bill's Bible Basics:
An Introduction

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Authored By  :
Bill Kochman

Published On :
June 20, 2003

Last Updated :
October 17, 2024

Welcome to Bill's Bible Basics! This website is dedicated to presenting thought-provoking, Scripture-based perspectives regarding Bible prophecy and many other topics which are related to the Holy Scriptures and our Christian walk of faith. The Bill's Bible Basics website has been so named since September 9, 2014, and is an updated version of the Endtime Prophecy Net website, which first went online in May of 1997. Prior to that time, the website took the form of "The Treasure Trove BBS" -- which later became known as the "Armageddon Christian BBS" -- which began in 1993-1994, and which was a PC-ANSI based Bulletin Board Service, originally running on a Mac LC III computer. The Bill's Bible Basics ministry was founded by Christian writer and evangelist Bill Kochman. He has been actively involved in Christian outreach of one form or another since 1971.

Through this online ministry, it is my heartfelt desire to not only feed BBB visitors with the sincere milk of God's Word, but also with the meat of God's Word as well. This site is dedicated to the serious student of God's Word who is willing to invest the time in reading lengthy, in-depth articles and series which explore different aspects and doctrines of our faith. Many, many hours and years of hard work and research have gone into writing the commentaries which you will find on this website. If you are in the habit of skimming over material, you will mostly likely miss a lot of important points and information, and may not fully and completely grasp what is being shared in a particular article. If you are only interested in light fare -- such as a lot of cute images, witty Christian sayings and music -- you won't find it here. To reiterate, this site is dedicated to those Christians who possess a serious desire to delve into the deeper things of God's Word and endeavor to understand them.

In the majority of articles and series which are found on this website, I have done my best to magnify the Lord's Words above my own. After all, as King David wrote, the Lord has magnified His Word above His very Name. As Christian writers, we should do the same:

"I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name."
Psalms 138:2, KJV

Wherever possible, I have inserted Scriptures to support my views, so that you the reader can see why I believe and teach the things that I do. In fact, I believe so much in the power of quoting the Scriptures, that it may very well be that, collectively-speaking, perhaps half of the total content of all of my articles combined are solid Scripture. Hopefully, this point alone will give you a good idea of how important I believe it is to make sure that I am leading my readers to the Lord and to His Word, and not just to myself, or to my human understanding of Biblical matters. God's Word is indeed powerful; no human word can compare to it; for as the Apostle Paul wrote:

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12, KJV

BBB Articles and Series

Since 1993-1994, I have authored a total of 346 articles and multi-part series, and I continue to write new ones as the Lord leads, and as my health permits. To see a list of the newest ones, as well as those articles and series which have most recently been updated, please click here. Thanks so much! Enjoy your studies in God's Word!

KJV Bible Verse Lists

In addition to my articles and series, I invite you to visit the "King James Version Bible Verse Lists" page where you will find over 710+ KJV topical Bible verse lists as of October 17, 2024, which I have personally compiled over the past twenty-two plus years. These Bible verse lists in fact represent the very core of everything that I share and teach on this website. They are the foundation of my articles and series.

Christian Poetry Section:

For those of you who may be poetically-inclined, you will also be happy to know that in recent years, I have also become quite the avid poet, having authored 960+ poems of various lengths as of October 17, 2024. These poems are presented in graphic form in my poetry section, and are accompanied by Bible studies which link to related BBB articles and KJV Bible Verse Lists on this website. The poems are currently divided into 114 different categories.

BBB Graphics Library:

The "BBB Graphics Library" consists of a topical index of the 5,200+ graphics I have created for my BBB Blog, and for the various social networks where I participate as of October 17, 2024. The images are organized into 379+ different categories. On each category page, in addition to the images themselves, you will also find links to related Bible Study Resources on the BBB website.

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BBB Tools And Services

Please avail yourself of other areas of the Bill's Bible Basics website. There are many treasures for you to discover.